Industry News
Super clear vinyl is a flexible and durable plastic material available in a wide range of sizes and thicknesses (i.e., gauges). It is used for its transparent quality, which allows users to see through to the other side. The level of optical clarity may vary from one brand to the next and may worsen or improve with thinner or thicker gauges, respectively. Compared to other types of materials, clear vinyl offers a variety of benefits that make it suitable for use in a wide range of applications.
Super Clear PVC Film Especially designed for outdoor tents, home transparent windproof and rainproof walls. This requires our PVC transparent film to have good transparency, UV resistance and flame retardant propertie
This article introduce what is the best pvc strip curtain, it's advantages and features, types and different applications.
DERFLEX is professional Boat Fabric manufacturer and supplier in China for over 20 years. About DERFLEX China: 1.Quality assurance: We will 100% return money if any quality problem, our QC department will inspect each order before ship. 2.Experience: 20 years’ R&D and production experience. 3.Production area: 60,000 square meter, 20 senior engineers and 350 workers. 4.International exhibition: Every year we attend USA, Germany, Russia, Spain international exhibitions etc. 5.Product quality: Our enhanced products are products that combine European and American quality standards.
What type of fabric is used in inflatable boats? For rafting boats, we recommend three types 1.PVC ,1000*1000,30*30,1400G 2. TPU ,1000*1000,30*30,1400G 3. 50% PVC+ 50% PU,1000*1000,30*30,1400G
Exactly introduce what is the marine grade vinyl upholstery fabric , their specifications , Benefits and uses
This article introduce PVC inflatable fabric,Hypalon Fabric and also PU fabric for sports boats. their different features.
Hypalon and Neoprene Coatings (Synthetic Rubber Coatings): Hypalon is a synthetic rubber material patented by DuPont. Hypalon has many applications in many industries and it has proven itself as a material with excellent air holding capabilities and oil resistance. Hypalon coated onto polyester or nylon fabric with an interior coating of neoprene a very reliable and durable inflatable boat fabric and can last for more than a decade even in the harshest environments – which is the reason for warranties of five and 10 years.
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