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car wrap vinyl manufacturer

DERFLEX is professional car wrap vinyl manufacturer in china, more than 15 years’ experience.

car wrap vinyl material

carbon fiber vinyl material

self adhesive vinyl material

perforated vinyl film 

There are several different types of vinyl for car wrapping:

Printable self-adhesive vinyl: Used for car body advertisement.

Carbon fiber vinyl, used for changing the colors of car body, 3D, 4D, 5D, 6D carbon vinyl is used for different out look of the car. And it’s also used for interior decoration.

Colored vinyl, or plotter cutting film, is used for letter cutting for car body letter signs.

Holographic vinyl, is used for car body wrapping.

Reflective vinyl tape, used as a warning sign.

Lamp vinyl, to make different lights from the lamp

One-way vision vinyl is used for car window graphics.


If you have more interest, please contact us for more information.

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