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Several advantages of PVC swimming pool cover tarpaulin in Derflex

Several advantages of PVC swimming pool cover tarpaulin:

1. The role of insulation

Many swimming pools are equipped with heating equipment. Covering the lid will not make the water temperature too low, so that the swimmer can feel comfortable. Without any insulation measures, the water temperature will drop quickly and waste energy!

PVC swimming pool cover tarpaulin

2. Anti-evaporation effect

The evaporation of water from the swimming pool is not only a waste of resources, but also a hazard for our indoor swimming pool. Because the more water evaporates, it will cause our indoor environment to be relatively hot, which will cause some damage to our swimming pool equipment. If we use such a swimming pool PVC coated tarpaulin cover, it will greatly reduce the evaporation of water in the swimming pool, saving and protecting.

PVC coated tarpaulin

3: Security.

The swimming pool may not be a big threat to the average adult, but for some children or pets, there is the possibility of drowning, especially for some family swimming pools. It is better to use the PVC knife coated swimming pool tarpaulin cover. Prevent this situation.

Of course, in addition to the above three points, the swimming pool cover can also play a dustproof role to keep the swimming pool clean. The role of beauty, improve the quality of life.

PVC knife coated tarpaulin

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