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Heat Insulation Foils

Aluminum foil insulation film, also known as heat barrier film, heat insulation film, heat insulation foil, heat extraction foil, reflection foil filmand so on, is aluminum foil veneer + polyethylene film + fiber knit fabric + metal film laminated by hot melt adhesive, aluminum foil insulation film has the functions of heat insulation, waterproof, moisture and other functions. The solar radiation absorption coefficient (solar radiation absorption coefficient) of aluminum foil insulation coil is extremely low (0.07), it has excellent thermal insulation performance, can reflect more than 93% of radiant heat, and is widely used in building roof and exterior wall insulation.

Aluminum foil insulation film


heat barrier film

heat insulation film

Working Principles:
Heat transfer is expressed in three ways in the heat exchange of the building: conduction heat + convective heat <25%, radiant heat >75%.
After the temperature of the tile roof increases in summer, a large amount of radiant heat enters the room and causes the temperature to rise continuously. The working and living environment is extremely uncomfortable.

The solar radiation absorption coefficient (normal full radiation emissivity) of aluminum foil insulation coils is 0.07, and the amount of radiated heat is very small. It is widely used for thermal insulation of roofs and walls.

Thermal transmission routes (without insulation film): Sun - Infrared magnetic waves - Thermal energy hits tiles to increase temperature - Tiles become heat source to radiate heat energy - Heat energy hits cast-in-place roof and raises temperature - Cast in place The roof becomes a heat source and emits heat energy - the ambient temperature in the room continues to rise

Thermal transmission route (plus insulation film): Sun - Infrared magnetic wave - Thermal energy hits tile to increase temperature - Tiles become heat source to radiate heat energy - Heat energy hits aluminum foil to increase surface temperature - Extremely high emissivity of aluminum foil Low, emits a small amount of heat - maintaining a comfortable indoor environment


Building roof heat insulation material

heat insulation material

heat extraction foil

reflection foil film

aluminum foil insulation film material

DERFLEX is professional manufacturer and supplier of industrial fabrics and building materials in China, with experience over 15 years. If you have more interest in our Heat Insulation Foils, please contact our sales team for more information.

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