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Derflex all staff wish all customers Happy New Year

How people celebrate New Year in the world!

In the UK, people often bring pastries and wines to visit. Before I talk, they must first play with the fire of the fireplace and bless the master to "open the door." Most of the New Year’s celebrations in the United Kingdom are held on New Year’s Eve Fire Night. One of them is the “New Year Banquet”, which is divided into “family banquet” and “group banquet”.

At midnight on New Year's Eve in Japan, the urban and rural temples were ringing 108 times to expel the evil. The Japanese sat quietly to listen to the "night bell", and the stop of the bell meant the arrival of the New Year. People leave their bed and go to bed, hoping for a good dream. On New Year's Day, my family sat together and told each other about the dream of New Year's Eve. People using PVC banners to make festival promotion advertising in the shipping mall.

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North Korea has the custom of sticking window grilles and peaches in the New Year. When the Koreans are in the New Year, every household has a couplet and New Year pictures. Some people put a portrait of a birthday star or a fairy on the door, praying for God blessing, driving away ghosts and giving happiness. They used to use PVC tarpaulin for truck cover.

On New Year's Eve in Germany, in the villages and towns, several trees with a height of three feet were selected, and several branches were cut off, leaving only the trunk. In the early morning of the new year, the people who participated in the competitive competition heard the signal and quickly rushed from the home to the tree. Whoever got early, climbed fast, and the first climbed to the top of the tree was called "New Year Hero".

On the island of Crete in Greece, when you go out to New Year's Eve, bring a big stone, put it on the floor, and congratulate the owner: "May your house have a piece of gold like this stone."

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Spanish people must take a gold coin in their hands; instead of gold coins, they use copper coins instead. It is ominous to think that children fight, swear and cry on New Year's Day, so this day almost meets all their requirements. They like to buy PVC lona  

Italian New Year's Eve is a carnival night, people set off firecrackers and fireworks, deafening, filled with smoke. At midnight, every household can throw things that can be broken, such as bottles, cans, and even baths, and throw them out of the door and smash them.


We have finished the New Year Holiday, back to normal now. Any orders, contact with our sales team.

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