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adhesive waterproof PET rainbow film window film rainbow manufacturer

We have two types of PET rainbow film for you: blu-ray rainbow film and red-light rainbow film.

Our PET rainbow film is scratch resistant.

Rainbow film is a brand-new, high-tech decorative plastic film decoration material. It uses the principle of light interference. White light enters the film from the outside, the light interference occurs, and then reflected out, it produces colorful colors. When the viewing angle of the film is changed or lined with different background colors, the color will also change, creating a colorful and distinctive packaging decoration effect. Open up a new field for product decoration. The bright and brilliant colors displayed by the rainbow film cannot be achieved by pigments or dyes. This soft transparent film breaks through the concept of color composition design. Rainbow film provides excellent materials for designers to create decorative products with new colors.

The unique color effect of rainbow glass film, or the use of different patterns, background colors and surface processing, such as printing, bronzing, embossing, etc., presents an endless variety of novel decorative effects. Its application field is very wide. Rainbow film is laminated with opaque paper, plastic film or textiles, and can be used for decorative surfaces of gift packaging, hard boxes and tubes, greeting cards, menus, shopping bags, ribbons, stickers, trademarks, book and magazine covers, etc. The rainbow film is laminated with transparent materials, and can be cut and used for textile processing, or carved into powder for cosmetics and pigments. It can also be directly used for gift packaging, layout display, handicraft materials, stage scenery, holiday decorations, ribbons, garlands and so on. The window film rainbow is laminated with a thicker thermoplastic material, and can be used as thermoformed packaging display items, lampshades, placemats, shower curtains, blackout curtains, umbrellas and raincoats, handbags, straps, comb boxes, etc.

If you want to learn more about our PET rainbow film, please contact us freely. I’d love to offer you more information about it.

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