What are the benefits of this wallpaper?
Use wallpaper to better, wallpaper to choose the big manufacturers, wallpaper look high-grade environmental protection, not easy to break, simple process, find a good wallpaper master can complete. The icons of Shengxiang, Ruibao and Rouran are all good, each has its own merits. Among them, Ruibao is the top 500 brand in China and is the highest value in the wallpaper industry. In general, the wallpaper is responsible for selling wallpaper, that is, the master is on the door. But some online shopping wallpapers have to be posted, or ask the master to post. Tell the real master to post, you have to deal with the wall beforehand, otherwise the master will not and can not handle the wall for you.
How to paste the wallpaper with glue?
Self-adhesive wallpaper can be directly attached, but pay attention to the wall surface. It is better to brush the base film twice on the wall before the paste, which is even better. Before the sticker, measure the height of the wall and then cut the wallpaper (you need to leave a margin of about 30 cm for the flower, the specific size is shown on the wallpaper.
Find a corner to make the datum surface vertically, stick it a little, and don't stick it all. Press it by hand and scrape it with a scraper. Pay attention to the top and leave a part. Wait until the next one is attached.
It’s OK to slap all the air and run out without gas (a little bubble, etc.)
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