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Derflex Heavy duty tarp material canvas

The PVC Traps film is basically a woven fabric composed of fibers. The choice of materials for a fabric structure, proper design, construction, manufacture and installation, combined with these points to ensure the quality of the structure. The quality of the structure depends mainly on the choice of materials. It is more suitable for use in tension structures and inflatable structures because the membrane itself also has a load. Most fabric structures use fabrics more than mesh or film. The fabric is primarily plated with other materials or laminates to create greater tensile forces or greater resistance to external forces. The most common materials are polyester laminate or PVC coated, PTFE or silicon coated fiberglass. Mesh, film and other materials each have their scope of application.

In general, the use of fiber can be divided into the following types:


1. Nylon / Nylon:

The tensile strength is slightly better than that of Polyester, but its elastic coefficient is low, which makes the probability of wrinkles in the case of load being greatly increased, and is susceptible to humidity changes, resulting in errors before and after cutting, and easy Gradually lose the tensile force due to the influence of ultraviolet rays.

PVC Traps

2, polyester / Polyester:

Its tensile strength is slightly worse than that of Nylon, but due to its good tension, durability, low cost and tensile strength, its steel properties in some applications can make up for its shortcomings. Polyester is the most commonly used substrate. Gluing or plating of PVC diaphragms with polyester is often the most economical way to manufacture for extended periods of time. The conjugate is usually composed of a woven or polyester-bonded mesh covered with a vinyl film (referred to as a substrate). Coated fabrics are typically coated with a high-count, high-stretch fabric with a layer of elastic material to enhance tension. The fabric is made by placing the polyester fabric under tension before and during the coating. As a result, the yarns in different directions on the woven fabric have distinct characteristics, and the stability of the fabric is increased to be a lighter fabric (200 to 270 gm/m2). It’s widely used in Truck cover and PVC membrane for parking lot.

Truck cover

Untreated Polyester fibers are also susceptible to UV damage, but are more resistant to UV light when coated with a protective coating than Nylon, which is treated the same way. Therefore, Polyester's UV resistance is better than Nylon.


3, fiberglass / Fiber Glass:

It has a high modulus of elasticity and high tensile strength, but its fibers are easily destroyed by repeated crimping. To overcome this, the use of smaller diameter fibers can slightly reduce the degree of damage. Glass fiber is not easily damaged by ultraviolet rays, so it is widely used for permanent construction.

PVC membrane

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