Industry News

Packaging printing giant revenue growth in the first half of 2017, but still affected by raw material prices

Update:2017/8/23 19:05:04 Views:

Unconsciously, 2017 has been more than half, recently, the packaging and printing industry giants have drying out half a year's performance, in general, the industry giants revenue growth trend. The United States YG first half operating income of 1 billion 242 million yuan, an increase of 15.94%; innovation in packaging printing industry average net profit growth rate of 16.84%; global printing revenue 221 million yuan, an increase of 15.72%.
digital printing media

As can be seen from the above data, the packaging printing industry is still in the forward development trend. However, due to the impact of rising raw material prices, the major packaging printing giant profits are generally less than expected. This also gives us a wake-up call, the traditional packaging printing enterprise transformation and upgrading imminent, should be rid of the shackles of raw materials as soon as possible, to find an innovative way of development.

Unlike the big fight business, many graphic printing enterprises through restructuring and upgrading, the use of advertising printing technology to improve the product profit, to help customers improve marketing effectiveness and achieve performance growth. Their actions, for many advertising printing and printing industry Tongren set an example.

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